Saturday, October 31, 2009

31 OCTOBER 2009

31 OCTOBER 2009

hihi all ^^ went dar's house today.. miss him so much ^^
took a few photos wif him.. but gonna show one only..

Love him always ^^ my baby...

well the rest will be my photo ^^

My stupid face lol...

i accidentally shake the phone.. but i like the effect ^^

i like this pic.. lol.. i starting to love fake eye lashes ^^

well. tat's all for today^^ simply went to baby's house just to pei him.. today was raining heavily OMG... lucky i was quick enough to get into the cab to get to the MRT when going home. Cos it ws like "bang" i close the door of the cab and "boom" it rain damn heavily... lucky me ^^ phew~~

well below are all my photos for the past monday to friday.. while i was SOooo board in the office..

Well tat's all for today's post ^^ good nite readers ^^ *YAWN* i am tired ^^ haha maybe going malaysia tomorrow ^^ will updated tomorrow if i go ^^ BYE^^

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