Wednesday, October 21, 2009

21 OCTOBER 2009

21 OCTOBER 2009

I am bck to blog ^^ But short post for long trip. hope u all don mind as i am still having fever.
Firstly, to my dar ^^

Time passes so much ^^ i love u forever^^ Sry can't meet u today as i fall sick and need to stay at home.

well, monday i took half day off cos i was sick.. went to c doctor on tue.. was given med and mc...

My med =(

My MC.... for 2 days.. cos my throat was quite badly infected..

About my work.. work was fine ^^ i am happy to work there and learn a lot of things frm Doris ^^ take her pic next time ^^

My pass ^^

Every thing doesn't seems tat bad. i was able to learn and do the jobs there myself ^^
but Doris is going for holiday next week.. stress =( cos i need to take charge of some things when she is away.. hope i can take it =) i will update more on my working place in the next post...

LAST, some old photos on trips wif dar, mei yun, ding and friends ^^

Bowling DAY ^^

Swimming DAY^^

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