Saturday, August 29, 2009

28 AUGUST 2009

30 August 2009

i try my best to updated... wish u all can c everything below ^^

28 AUGUST 2009

Hello readers I am bck ^^ My birthday is coming this Sunday ^^ 30 aug ^^ sad cos can’t go out =(
But happy cos dar pei me celebrate today and tomorrow ^^ 2 Days ^^ cos he say last year nv celebrate wif me ^^ so this year pay bck ^^ 2 days ^^
Today was a very enjoyable one ^^ After our skul we went to Tamp 1 to shop ^^ cos dar donno wat present to get me. Lol…
But I got hungry =) so we went to the old tamp shopping center to have lunch =)

Lunch was Damn full =)
[I forget to take down photo again =( I tried to get something almost the same frm pizza hut webside. ]

Dar and I each had one set of student meal ^^

Dar order 1 slide order ‘Sweet “n” Spicy Drumlets (3 pcs)’

And lastly I order 1 Beef Lasagne ^^ Nice ^^ [Wing recommend ^^]

So total : 2 set of student meal + 1 slide order ‘Sweet “n” Spicy Drumlets + 1 Beef Lasagne = $27++

Lol ^^ dar and me eat until our tummy bloated ^^

After tat we went shop around again ^^ we went to MANGO ^^ I saw 1 shirt, which I like ^^ And Dar buy it for me as a gift ^^

Photos Below =)

Nice Paper Bag ^^

Wat’s inside my bag? =)

Nice? ^^

Closer View ^^

We took some sweets Frm MANGO ^^

After tat we went to WASTON. Buy mask ^^ cos we decided to mask our face at his house tomorrow ^^

Shop around wanting to buy Couples Lab things. But end up nv get any. Cos dar have sensitive skin and he doesn’t want rings as he thinks we always quarrel when we wear rings.

So headed home ^^ and on train we took tons of stupid photo ^^ lol… some are so ugly ^^


Take 1

Take 2

Take 3

Take 4

Take 5 [lol… dar pose funny]

Take 6 [Dar is doing tat stupid pose again ^^]

Take 7

Take 8 [I ask dar to do this lol ^^]

Take 9

Take 10 [Slimmer face =) LMAO ]

Take 11 [My fat face ]

Take 12 [my face funny.. c dar’s face lol ^^]

Take 13

Take 14 ^^

Lol… dar camwhore wif me today jus to make me happy =)
Cos I know how much u don like to take photos. Thanx a lot ^^
U really make me feel love by u ^^ although ur temper not good =)
Dar I will always love u de ^^ muckx ^^ I promise I will nv leave u alone…
Even if u went in NS ^^ I will stay jus for u ^^
I really bu she de… next year u going NS liao =(
Hope u will enjoy ur time wif me now ^^ MUCKX LOVE U.

Well, readers I am going to end today post wif some SPIDERMANS I saw at causeway point pasa malam ^^

Photo show u wat I mean ^^ enjoy

lol ^^ BB READERS ^^

27 AUGUST 2009

Well, I nv finish my post yesterday so I continue here ^^
So I went to skul after I had my lunch.
The journey towards skul was so boring without dar =(
And the journey was damn long == From WOODLANDS to SIMEI…
Lol… I took a random photo while I was in MRT.

As u all can see… it rain so heavily when I get out of house. When I was in MRT it was so damn cold… *shiver*

When I reach skul it was like my classmate was still inside…. They look so stress… I was damn scare I will fail…
Well, there’s a teacher Mr J. [I am not naming out who is he] he is damn disappointed wif dar and my MXP result. Cos it was damn bad. =( I can feel he think we can do it.. but we let him down…


I feel quite sad.. when I actually disappoint a teacher who look up to me.

Well, I didn’t let my emotions to distract my exam.. I went in and try my best. Although I cheated a bit. *opps* I don mean to de. But I too nervous until I forget most of the things I memories.
Overall I think my WNS phase test will pass ba I hope =)
So I went home after test. Walked all the way to simei waston to get face cream for dar. As dar’s face was getting dryer.

But there’s one irritating auntie ==lll
Keep asking me to buy her products WHEN I DIDN’T WANT TO!
So I run off ^^ lol
When I reach Causeway point den I go buy one for dar ^^

I forget to take down the photo ^^ hear the cream was quite good for dry skin ^^

After went to buy my love ^^ MOS BURGER ICE MILK TEA ^^


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